The National Sports Council (NSC), in consultation with the Ministry of Youth and Sports will host the National Sports Conference, commencing today Wednesday July 8th - 9th July 2009, at the Paradise Suites Hotel in Kololi.
The conference will have its theme as: "Mapping out strategies for better National Coordination of Efforts and Resources for the Attainment of Excellence in Sports through Mass Participation"
The Sports Policy and Action plan 1999 - 2008, have now expired and a new one needs to be developed and put in place to bolster the momentum gained, tackle the challenges faced and provide the much-needed leadership and direction for the entire sporting fraternity. The government of His Excellency, the President, Sheikh Professor Alhagi Dr. Yahya Jammeh, through the Ministry of Youth and Sports has articulated the need to uplift sports, through its mission statement: "Excellence in sports through mass participation."
The mission is to ensure that Gambian sportsmen and women excel and win medals and trophies at national, regional and international competitions in identified priority sporting disciplines. In the same vein, the Ministry of Youth and Sports intent to encourage mass participation in sports and physical activities to positively impact and improve health and national well-being.
In order to achieve these goals and objectives, there is the need to update and usher in a new National Sports Policy and Action Plan, to provide the necessary policy framework. This will not only encapsulate the above aspirations, but also embolden our collective stakeholders' interest in the drive towards their attainment. It is for this reason and the recognition of the crucial role all stakeholders can play in our national sports endeavour, that the Ministry of Youth and Sports intent to host a National Sports Conference as the best way for a wider all-inclusive stakeholder consultation and participation in charting a sport development strategy.