(Thursday 24th October 2019 Issue)
Coast Region Deputy Governor Musa Suso has asked district chiefs to create
space for discussion with their Alkalolus on how to resolve land disputes in
the region.
a meeting with District Chiefs and Alkalolus over the increased land disputes
in the region at his office in Brikama last week, Mr Suso said some of the land
quarrels occur by accident, but others are triggered deliberately by some
people who would sell a plot to many buyers, transfer their ownership to more
than one person with the signature of the same Alkalo.
of the land problems are hereditary. They occur where a father would sell a
plot and the son claims ownership of the same land or even sells it to a
different buyer after the death of the father,” he said.
Suso said land disputes are common in the Kombos especially in West Coast
Region, adding that it emanates from land tenure systems in the Region,
expressing fear that the problem could spill over to the Fonis.
Magistrate Omar Cham of the Brikama Magistrates’ Court attended the meeting and
said the main cases they receive in Courts are land cases. “I refer some of the
land cases I receive in my court to be settled out of Court. Alkalolus should
have files for their land transactions as their references.