of the Writers’ Association of The Gambia recently reviewed their 2019 activity
report as tendered by the executive.
submission and review of the 2019 activity report by the executive of the
association is in line with the constitution of WAG and the laid down procedure
by the National Center for Arts and Culture.
report made explicit reflection of the activities which include the
commemoration of the World Book Day 2019 and Copyright Day Week 2019 which is
geared towards reviving the association.
the World and Copyright Week celebrations as reported by Modou Lamin
Age-Almusaf Sowe, secretary general of WAG, twenty-two Gambian authors were
awarded in honour of literary erudition. This was held alongside an interschool
poetry competition for senior secondary schools on the life and works of Dr. Lenrie
other activities of the association as stated in the report, he said the
association paid some courtesy calls to various institutions as they were able
to have audiences with ambassador of EU and head of Delegation to The Gambia,
chief of mission of the International Organisation for Migration (IOM),
director general of The Gambia National Library Service Authority, country
director of ChildFund-The Gambia, minister of Youth and Sports, permanent
secretary MoBSE and director general of NCAC among others.
creating more awareness about the association in both the urban and rural
areas, he said WAG has held 21 radio programmes across the country and 12
television interviews on GRTS, Star TV and Paradise. Also, the association has
donated over 140 books to school children and schools across the country.
the year under review, some members of the Writers’ Association of The Gambia
have successfully attended and co-organised launching of 22 books across the
country within a year. He added that they also participated in different
conferences, trainings and meetings in and outside the country.
activities as reflected in the WAG 2019 activity report included tribute
ceremony for late former President Sir Dawda Kairaba Jawara, readings by
Gambian authors, signing MoU with the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education
and Gambian Writers Against Covid-19 press conference.