United States Embassy in Banjul on Tuesday 20th January 2009 celebrated the
inauguration of President Barack Obama, America 's 44th
President, at the residence of Ambassador Wells in Fajara.
celebration, which started with a film show on the biography of Barack Obama was
also punctuated with remarks by the
Then another film depicting addresses by Martin Luther King Jr. and then the taking of oath of office and inaugural speech of President Barack Obama.
his touching remarks at the historic event, Ambassador Barry Wells said:
"Today, millions of people around the world witness a dramatically powerful and
stirring event in our country. Just a while ago, Barack Obama was sworn in as
our 44th President - the first African-American President of the
"The tears that fall are tears of joy and satisfaction that our country has come so far in such a short amount of time; showing the world that even as an imperfect nation we continue to seek a more perfect union.
"Tonight we are also recognising our national holiday of yesterday, the 80th birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Forty-five years ago, Dr. King gave a speech on the exact same lawn that President Barack Obama spoke from this afternoon.
Oh how different is their content. On
"Today, millions of people have gathered to acknowledge Dr. King's dream realised - that a man be measured by the content of his character and not by the colour of his skin.
here tonight, one cannot help but feel the sweeping hand of democracy at its
best. Many of my generation never contemplated the possibility of black
president of the
"150 years ago, President Abraham Lincoln gave a speech that changed the way Americans talked about the great racial issues of their day. It would be 150 years later before another politician, Barack Obama, dared to address the topic of race in frank speech delivered this past fall".
his part, the
added that as the first African American president of the
out here in
have joined you Ambassador Wells and your friends this evening as a mark of
goodwill of His Excellency, Prof. Alhajie Dr. Yahya Jammeh, the government and
the people of The Gambia towards His Excellency President Barack Obama, the
government and the people of the
"Once again The Gambia extends a hand of friendship to the