#Article (Archive)

Students should forget Sunday Beach

Jul 11, 2011, 12:29 PM

As the schools are about to close this month for the summer holidays, students need to prepare themselves for a good and enjoyable holiday period.

This annual holiday is a well-deserved break from their academic studies.

However, they must beware of spending the holidays at the beaches, where swimming at sea poses its grave dangers.

This is especially so for children, who feel that this is a moment when they have to spend their time on the beach, enjoying themselves.

This is the so-called Sunday Beach, which should serve as a time for picnics including lying on the sandy beaches listening to fine music, or enjoying the sunshine and nice sea breeze.

It is also a moment to engage in sport such as beach volleyball and football.

Meanwhile, educational activities could also be organised at the beach, including playing games such as scrabble, chess and similar past-times.

In any case, it is the responsibility of parents to also take care of their children during the holidays, and to make sure that they do not go to the beach, just to swim in the ocean.

We would like to commend Lend-a- Hand for the good initiative of organizing summer classes for students.

People have to understand that such educational activities should be taken seriously, since education is a very strong pillar for a country to develop.

If we allow the younger generation to lose concentration on their education, then the future of the country will be hard to determine.

Let us encourage our children to be more focused on their education, so they will be able to move the country forward.

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