Mr Bojang was speaking to The Point on Saturday at the Nusrat campus in Bundung, which was also cleansed by the students.
Set settal, which started as a monthly event, is now bi-monthly.
It was introduced by the Gambian leader, President Yahya Jammeh, as a special day for people to thoroughly cleanse their surroundings of garbage and filth.
The Nusrat Principal also said the initiative is “politically-free” so everyone should actively partake in the exercise to ensure the country is clean.
Excellence in academic delivery
Nusrat has over the years been recognised for its excellence in academic delivery as it continues to produce excellent results in the West African Senior Schools Certificate Examination.
The school principal said Nusrat does not only teach students to gain academic knowledge but also to be obedient, respectful and responsible citizens who take part in national exercises like set settal.
He said all the schools should endeavour to inculcate positive attitudes into their students by teaching them how to take up responsibility; the emphasis should not only be on academics.
The Nustrat Principal commended his students for “voluntarily and actively” participating in the national cleansing exercise while calling on youth to actively engage in national development like the cleansing exercise.