She said that they need help in order to strengthen their business very well, though, she disclosed they normally receive assistants from banks like reliance bank and Islamic bank and his Excellency president Jammeh also one time gave her personally huge amount of money which she said was used to buy palm oil and distributed it to the vendors at the market to sell it at a price of twelve dalasis instead of high rocketing price. From thatmoney she said they used to help themselves in reducing many commodities like meat, vegetables and so many cooking commodities at Serrekunda car pack market where she claims to be her market area.
Madam Jatta however noted that the Serre Kunda car pack market women that consists of six thousand women are really gratefulto the president for empowering them "we are ready to work hard as the president always said for the welfare and betterment of this country and I personally will not compromise with any woman or any vendor who is not willing to reduce the prices of commodities, because people are always complaining of the high price of rice so if the vegetables and other things are expensive too where will we head to because we all know that these vegetables are cultivated by ourselves we don't export them from any country, and we have abundance of commodities in the market, so I see no reason why we should not be helpful to each other because one thing I know we are not encountering any problem as far as president Jammeh's empowerment is concern, due to that I and my group will always be behind him", she added.
On the issue of the municipal police been always deriving women who sells at the edge of the market, madam jatta pointed out that the market is big and there is a new market where they can be selling rather than at the main passing way of the market because that will not ease the shopping for the buyers and obviously the market should have a wide road, she said.
Madam jatta finally called on all the women groups including the rest of Gambian women to come out and work together as one family so as to derive poverty in this country.
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Address the root causes of illegal migration first!
Jan 21, 2011, 12:52 PM