exploitation of Gambian consumers has been going on for many years without any
solutions by either the government or lead agencies in the private sector. The
business houses both public and the private sector continue to mock the sweat
of consumers at free will whether in times of peace or in times of hardship.
are facing internet and data exploitations, poor networks, inflated water
bills, exorbitant charges for rents in respect of office space, shops and other
business premises, excessive transport fares, high school fees in private
schools, high bills in private clinics and hospitals, skyrocketing prices in
food commodities, expensive prices of fish, high cost of vehicle maintenance
due mainly to poor urban road networks, inclusive packages in the tourist
industry harming the survival of the local participants in the industry, high
airfares between The Gambia and Senegal and elsewhere, and so forth. The
Gambian environment has become hostile to consumers. It is unbelievable that
even in these emergency times, certain shopkeepers are raising their prices to
maximize profits.
existed before laws regarding price controls, rent control and other
regulations governing the business and investment environment. This brings me
to the question of ENFORCEMENT. Why should this be assigned to the Presidency
if it is not due to the carelessness of government agencies and private sector
led organizations in protecting the welfare of Gambians especially in times of
hardship. Those government agencies and private sector led organizations must live
up to expectations in the discharge of their mandate. They cannot be a source
in aggravating the poverty in the country. It is time the Presidency holds
accountable sectors that are not performing to inject seriousness in the system
of government. In an African environment, sometimes benevolent dictatorship is
better than civilian procrastination in the system of government. That is a way
of sometimes making development proceed accordingly.
in the West, many governments in Africa, once elected into office, they do not
stand firm in the welfare of their citizens. The vast majority of the people
would normally suffer from hardship in Africa before government action to
redress their plight. Self-enrichment is always at the core of the politics of
nation states in most of Africa.
issues discussed above are relevant to reflect on as these will become subjects
of debates in the 2021 race to the State House. Politicians must be warned
therefore, that Gambians have graduated from the school of ignorance in
politics in 2016. There is a new wave of generational consciousness that cannot
be swayed into voting for the wrong party and leader.
put an end to consumer exploitations, and for poverty reduction, Government
through the Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Trade should encourage
domestic production and consumption of all essential food commodities for
self-sufficiency. In the same vein, Government should adopt a deliberate policy
of banning the importation of food commodities that can be produced in the
ASSOCIATION, and other diversified food production associations with inputs and
marketing assistance from the Government, would reduce poverty and our
dependence on importers who are all out to exploit the consumers. In addition,
new anti-consumer exploitation laws should be enacted by Parliament. When the
interest of the people is at the heart of the Government, the prosperity of the
people is assured.
policing and enforcement in a democratic dispensation could be difficult at
times in a system of government. However, democratic responsibility also calls
for decisive leadership. In the absence of this, the people tend to disregard
law and order and take advantage of a weak system of government. There is
evidence of dwindling respect for authority in The Gambia. This cannot continue
if we are to avoid our hopes for development and proud New Gambia hanging in
the balance like leaves of a tree that could be blown away right under our
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