Our society needs to get rid of the excessive desire to acquire or possess more, especially material wealth, than one needs or deserves. People who want to use all means just to enrich themselves, no matter what, should be exposed.
We also realise that when money is easily obtained, as the quest for more possessions continues, people readily take shortcuts.
For us to really combat greed in our midst, there is absolute need for us to change our mindset about wealth. In other words, instead of putting oneself first, we should consider putting others first.
It's good to be contented with whatever one has, as this can always pay well. This should go beyond self-centeredness and egoistic interest of satisfying oneself.
The long-term consequences of greed are alarming. Especially, the materialistic mindset that says getting more money and possessions is the ultimate aim of life. Why should one be so greedy to the extent that he/she refuses others their entitlements? And what's the essence of wanting to eat or accumulate wealth more than what one really needs in real life?
We need to always think of others and, besides, wish them whatever we wish for ourselves.
There is a saying in the local parlance that "if you want all, you end up losing all."
However, for those greedy and materialistic, they will do anything possible to get rich overnight. It's vicious cycle that affects us all. In fact, greed affects all classes of people, from the rich to the poor.
Greed can make honest men kill just to satisfy their individual desires. Yes, greed has created thousands of millionaires, but why is greed associated with evil, because they stole from the poor.
Greed isn't a nice thing or a noble thing. One has to do away with greed, since it's associated with theft, fighting and taking by force.
Local wisdom also has it that when one "eats the sweat of others", he or she will surely suffer the consequences.
"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have."
Federick Keonig
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