#Article (Archive)

Mono Company Surveyor Inspects Stadium Running Track

Feb 17, 2009, 5:59 AM | Article By: Pa Modou Faal

Mr. Lorenzo Perona, a surveyor working for Mono Construction Company based in Italy, last Saturday completed a two-day working visit to The Gambia as guest of The Gambia Athletics Association.

In an interview with Pointsports yesterday, the secretary general of the GAA, Dodou Joof (Capi), said the mission of Mr. Penora was to inspect the running track of the Independence Stadium.

According to Mr. Joof, Mr. Penora is expected to submit his report on Wednesday to Mono Construction Company who are also expected to submit their report to the International Association Federation with a budget for final approval.

Mr. Joof pointed out that Mono has to sign a contract with IWF and they are the company responsible for building stadium for IWF.

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