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London/Nigeria Cricket Club in Banjul

Apr 17, 2009, 8:32 AM | Article By: Sainabou Kujabi

The Gambia Cricket Association is playing host to the London /Nigeria Cricket Club who are currently in Banjul as part of a one-week visit.

The team, which arrived in Banjul on Tuesday, played a friendly game with a Gambian selection on Wednesday at the July 22nd Square.

During the well contested match, the London Nigeria first batted and scored 181 runs. Team captain Akinyemi was their best bowler with a record of 8 overs for 20 runs and got 3 wickets.

The Gambian selection batted next and the best scorer was Moses Bahoum with 40 runs.

Seedy Darboe emerged as the best bowler for his side after bowling 6 overs, 11 runs and 2 wickets. The Gambian side won by a single wicket.

As part of their visit, the London Nigeria Cricket team conducted a coaching clinic yesterday for the Gambia U-13 cricket team and female cricketers at the July 22nd square.

The President of The Gambia Cricket Association, Johnny Gomez told Pointsport yesterday said the visiting side would play another game with the Gambia selection today and would also play an Asian community cricket side on Saturday.

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