The International Sports Press Association (AIPS), the parent body of all sports journalists associations across the globe has extended its appreciation to its affiliates as part of the beginning of the new year.
The Sports Journalists Association of The Gambia (SJAG), like other countries in Africa, has been a member of the AIPS since 2007.
Here is the full text of the message from the AIPS headquarters in Switzerland.
Dear Colleagues,
I take this occasion, the beginning of the New Year, to thank all of you for what you have done for our association over the past years. AIPS is growing because everybody is doing a good job.
The respect for our association is increasing throughout the world, but there is a lot still to be done. Our profession will face great challenges in the next years, and for this reason we must study carefully the evolution of new technology. At the same time we must focus also on the defence of the integrity of sport, because the danger of poisoning the healthy image of sport is real.
In January we will organise in Lausanne an important symposium on this subject with the participation of Jacques Rogge, IOC president, and we will celebrate the champions of fair play. I hope that all of you will promote these two events in your individual nations and help this to become a milestone for the future of our association.
Happy New Year to everybody.
Gianni Merlo
AIPS President