The Gambia joins the One Billion Rising Revolution for justice to end gender based violence TO ENLARGE, TO DEEPEN, TO EXPAND And TO REVOLUTIONISE the structures that perpetuate all forms of violence against women. One Billion Rising is a global movement, founded by Eve Ensler, to end rape and other forms of sexual violence against women.
In 2012, UN statistic revealed that one in three women will be raped or beaten in her lifetime, that equates to One Billion women of the world’s population thus the V-Day initiative of the One Billion Rising Movement. Since then the figures have not changed significantly, thus the One Billion Rising Revolution call for change is growing to dismantle the structures that nurture any form of violence against women and girls. Major changes are still needed particularly in ways of thinking and consciousness about violence against women issues. “REVOLUTION” is a major thing we need, and it allows creative and artistic expressions, multi-sectoral involvement and more importantly- provides a unique space to engage people from all walks of life. It allows the use of imagination, art and political actions, allows everyone the freedom to localize all their campaigns and struggles to end violence against women.
In the Gambia, GAMCOTRAP will Listen! Act! Rise for Justice with activists from all walks of life, including communities, young people, artists, journalists, grassroots activists, politicians and human rights activists to amplify the voices of the unheard and vulnerable. According to the OBR West Africa Coordinator, Dr. Isatou Touray “It is time for women to engage and revolutionize all the structures that perpetuate all forms of violence against women and girls.” We will rise to see that justice is the guiding principle in the daily affairs of our people and change the perceptions, attitude and practices that promote and perpetuate violence against women and girls.
Local artists extending from traditional Communicators to rap groups from rural and urban Gambia will be part of the celebration at the Buffer Zone in the Kanifing Municipality on 14th February 2016. A group of Young people, men and women from Sinjang community in the Casamance Region of Senegal will join the Gambia Rising and it is expected that many more will join the rising for justice revolution.
At the global level, Eve Ensler, Founder of One Billion Rising who has penned a new monologue that activists worldwide will perform entitled “Rise, Dance, Disrupt” stated “We are evolving our fight against violence against women, knowing that unless we put the marginalized at the lead, unless we address imperialism, war, climate change, racism, economic inequality, workers rights and patriarchy we will never end violence against women and girls. Let’s go further than we have ever gone, igniting revolution and paradigm change.”
Expanding on the 2016 Rising Revolution, Monique Wilson, Global One Billion Rising Director asserted “We’ve danced, we’ve demanded justice, we’ve demanded changes. This year we are radicalising our actions - enlarging, deepening and expanding the revolution. Let’s continue to shift consciousness and be braver, bolder, more creative and determined with our actions. Communities will focus on the most marginalised women and girls to bring about true, long lasting change.”
It could be recalled that since 2013, GAMCOTRAP has been leading the One Billing rising in the Gambia, both in rural and urban areas, rising together with organizations and institutions to promote women’s rights in the Gambia.
ONE BILLION RISING: REVOLUTION is an energy, a platform, a global movement, a catalyst, a worldwide decision to end violence against women, a demand for justice, a paradigm shift, an invitation, a gathering of the ready, housed everywhere, housed in our hearts, you, us, REVOLUTION.