Ceesay, senior programme officer at the National Council for Civic Education
(NCCE) has told Gambian communities that the corona virus is real and deadly.
Ceesay made these remarks as part of a caravan tour organised by his office to
sensitise Gambian communities on the signs and symptoms of covid-19 as well as
its preventive measures recommended by The Gambia’s Ministry of Health and
World Health Organisation.
The 8-day sensitisation currently being carried out by two separate teams is taking place from Essau to Passamass and Koina to Mandinaba respectively.
therefore urged them to take care and listen to doctors and experts than
ordinary people who may give misleading information.
pointed out that the signs and symptoms of covid-19 include but not limited to
difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath, persistent pain or pressure in
the chest, new confusion or inability to arouse, blush lips or face.
to him, the sensation is in line with their mandate to educate and raise
awareness among Gambian citizens on issues related to their livelihood as their
mandate is not only limited to sensitising citizens on democracy, the constitution,
rule of law and good governance. It is also on citizens general awareness on
issues affecting their livelihood.
addition to the sensitization, the National Council for Civic Education gave
out over one hundred buckets, metal stands and sanitary materials to
communities across the length and breadth of the country as well as to major
hospitals across the country.
council also prepared logos and posters and attached them to the buckets to
show people how to clean their hands properly and to protect themselves.
teams also held radio talk shows on various local languages to ensure everybody
is involved and receive the message properly and clearly.
said: “If you tell people to wash their hands and clean themselves you need to
show them how to do it as well as giving them the materials to use”.
thanked his office staffs who are currently carrying out the sensitisation for
taking the risk which shows that they are patriotic citizens. He described the sensitisation as very challenging
and thanked the Almighty for seeing them
advised people to protect themselves by avoiding handshakes for now, regularly
washing their hands with soap and clean water for at least 20 seconds or an
alcohol-based hand sanitizer, avoid touching their faces, avoid close contact
with people as well as staying at home.
conclusion, Ceesay advised parents to urge their children to stay at home and
listen as well as watch television lectures by Ministry of Basic and Secondary
Education officials.