#Article (Archive)

Co-Wife in Court

Jul 13, 2009, 6:28 AM | Article By: Malamin Conteh

One Nyima Tunkara, a co-wife was recently arraigned at the Bundung Magistrates' Court before Principal Magistrate Olajabutu Kayode for threatening to hit her co-wife with a pestle.

According to the alleged offence, on 14th May 2009, the accused Nyima Tunkara threatened to hit one Aja Suku with a pestle, a charge she denies.

In her testimony, Aja Suku told the court that she knows the accused and that they share the same husband. She explained that on the day in question she fought with the accused and when they where separated, the accused picked-up a pestle and threatened to hit her with it. She said as a result she reported the matter to Tallinding Police Station.

The case was adjourned to 16th July 2009.

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