Children’s National Assembly of The Gambia (CNAG), Saturday observed the
thirtieth anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) at
their National Assembly chambers with the aimed to amplify the protection,
promotion, fulfilment and respect for the rights of children.
of the Assembly, Sarata Ceesay said the session will address the handing over
of the children code of action to the minister of women, children and social welfare
and members of the parliament will debate on issues affecting their various
T Jawo, member for Upper River Region (URR), who spoke on child sexual abuse,
said the act is rampant in URR, especially in schools where teachers abuse students
day in day out by threatening them through marks.
are also abused by their family members including uncles and sometimes their
own fathers,’’ she said, calling on the government to find immediate solutions
to child sexual abuse.
Jallow, representative of Lower River Region (LRR) said children of LRR are
affected in terms of education with the absence of laboratory equipment.
said there are more than ten schools in LRR but only few are with standard
laboratory equipment, which hinders the science field. “I urge the government
to provide standard laboratory equipment in LRR so as to promote quality
Camara, from Central River Region (CRR) said child marriage is affecting
children in The Gambia especially in CRR, saying giving out children in
marriage is part of seizing their rights.
Adama Jobe, member for West Coast Region (WCR) said her region needs proper
hospitals, adding that drugs issued to patients are wrapped in papers which she
said is incorrect.
Ceesay, who spoke about discrimination among children said most schools did not
use sign languages, saying the deaf and the disabled are facing lot of
challenges when it comes to access to education. He urged the government to
build more school for the deaf and disabled in Upper, and Lower River Regions.