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A noble development!

Aug 8, 2012, 9:34 AM

We would like to salute the Islamic scholar Aja Maimuna Savage and the Islamic Centre for Women and Children (ICCWC) for a job-well-done by launching a CD on the recitation and translation of the Holy Quran.

It is true that many people in the country cannot properly recite the Holy Quran perfectly, and the availability of the CD produced by the local scholars would be of a great importance in the propagation of Islam.

Quran is the most important book for Muslims, and any efforts aimed at making worshippers have a better understanding of it must be commended.

This kind of innovation and creativity is what is expected from scholars, instead of wasting their time in praising other persons for personal gain.

After all, at the end of the day, such scholars will lose the respect and trust of their fellows making them the laughing stock in society, despite their wealth of knowledge.

For many decades now, Aja Maimuna Savage has been making efforts to ensure that  children and the public have an indepth understanding of Islam, and follow the teachings and practice of the prophet Muhammed (PBU), just as she herself is doing and any other Muslim in accordance with the purpose of Allah’s creation.

We, therefore, urge other scholars in the country to emulate the likes of Aja Maimuna Savage by focusing their efforts in propagating the Islamic knowledge, and spreading the true teaching of Islam without fear or favour.

We urge Muslims in the country to endavour to buy the CD as it is said to be cheap and, in fact, a worthy investment as it would always remind you of your creator.

It would also help students who are trying to memorize the holy book.

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