According to medical report prepared by the laboratory service of the Clinical Department of the Royal Victoria Teaching Hospital states that the man presented to the Clinical Boichemistry Department in June 2007. He complained of difficulty breathing, fever, pain on passing urine coughing, night sweating, heart palpitations, general body pain and abdominal pain.
"On evaluation he [Modou] was noted to have a normal sized liver and homogeneous echogenicity. The gall bladder was without stones and the pancreas and spleen were normal. The fever is a continuous high grade and the pain in passing urine is mostly experienced at night. The cough is productive and associated with profuse night sweating and a general loss of weight."
The report further stated that Modou is chronically ill looking. It says that following treatment in June, the man returned several times complaining of the same problems. After carrying out medical tests the doctors discovered that Modou is suffering from chronic abdominal pain and abnormal bladder.
The disease has ravaged the mans breathing and urinary systems and because of this he is in urgent need of overseas treatment. Modou has been going for monthly follow-ups at the RVTH but wont be able to receive the treatment he needs unless he goes overseas. Anyone willing or able to help Modou is asked to do so immediately and can contact 9934925