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2 convicted for conspiracy to commit felony

Aug 11, 2014, 9:57 AM | Article By: Malamin L.M. Conteh

Babucarr Bah and Cherno Alieu Suwarreh were recently convicted and sentenced by Magistrate Abeke of the Bundung Magistrates’ Court, to a fine of D2,000 each in default to serve 1year 6 months in prison for the offence of conspiracy to commit a felony.

They were also fined D2,000 each in default to serve 1 year 6 months in prison for the offence of breaking, and the first convict, Bubacarr Bah, was also fined D2,000, in default to serve another 1year 6 months in prison.

The court also ordered them to pay a compensation of D100,000 and each must pay D50,000.

According to the particulars of offence on count one, on 27 July 2014, at LatriKunda Sabiji, the convict conspired among themselves with intent to commit a felony.

Count two stated that on 27 July 2014, at LatriKunda, the convicts broke into the house of one Babucarr Ceesay.

Count three stated that on 27 July 2014, at LatriKunda Sabiji Market, the convicts broke into the house of Babucarr Ceesay, and stole the following items: body jeans, T-shirts, male boot, MP3 player and its earpiece, and a knife, among others amounted to D92,430. 

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