Pa Bakary Sonko, whose work involves the promotion of “peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels".
Reacting to the landmark recognition, Sonko in his social media handle, expressed delight to be recognised for such award.
Over the years, Sonko has been spearheading initiatives seeking to strengthen community peacebuilding mechanisms that maximise the potentials of communities and young people to advance sustainable peace and development.
He recently also took part in the ten-day capacity building of young Red Cross volunteers and community leaders on conflict resolution, peace building, dialogue and mediation targeting communities in the Fonis.
Sonko also serves as a facilitator, resource person and a member of National Organizing Committee of the biggest youth gathering of The Gambia, the National Youth Festival & Conference (NAYCONF), a biennial event that connects the nation's youth to discuss youth matters.
In May, he attended a high-level event at the AU Headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, organised by the peace and security unit of AU, where he shared his experience as a peace builder in his country with colleagues from all over Africa and discussed ways to boost peace in the continent.
As a passionate advocate in the area of peace building, Sonko believes everyone has a “role to play in building a better world that protects the rights of all and enables everyone to realise their potentials.