The meeting, aimed to strengthen collaboration between the Peace Network and the UN Mission in The Gambia also provided the Resident Coordinator with updates on the preparations for the 2025 National Peace Award.
During the meeting, CEO Jallow highlighted Peace Network’s collaborative efforts with previous Resident Coordinators and various UN agencies, particularly the UNDP, saying: “Currently, the Peace Network is part of a consortium implementing a three-year Insider Mediation Project in The Gambia. Additionally, we are an active member of the Technical Working Group for the establishment of the Peace and Reconciliation Commission.”
Deputy Director for Training and Research Mohammed Jallow, who also serves as Chairperson of the Organising Committee for the National Peace Award, emphasised the critical role of the UN in supporting the upcoming event.
“The UN is founded on principles to promote peace and development. Therefore, recognizing individuals and institutions that play pivotal roles in peace-building will significantly contribute to making The Gambia a more peaceful nation,” he said.
On his part Mr. Alkali M. Dibba, Peace Network Representative in the United States, underlined the importance of engaging the Gambian Diaspora in promoting peace and development.
He said: “There is immense potential in a partnership between the Peace Network and the UN. My role in the U.S is to unite Gambians abroad and encourage their contributions to national development,” Mr. Dibba remarked.
In his response, the UN Resident Coordinator, Karl-Frédérick Paul, expressed gratitude to the Peace Network for its impactful work in The Gambia and beyond.
He added: “The UN looks forward to continuing collaborating with the Peace Network. It is both an individual and collective responsibility to promote peace and development. As a UN member state, The Gambia plays a vital role in fostering peace and development globally.”