The medical report indicated that Joof was presented to them about 18 months ago with growth on his right upper eyelids that was about six years prior to presentation, and it started like a pimple and had been slowly progressive, painful and ulcerative.
According to the report: “There is no associated history of similar growth in any part of his body, and there was an associated history of decrease in vision, the left eye was essentially normal.”
“Despite the use of several traditional interventions, there was no significant relief, reviews of systems were unremarkable. The patient is not a known diabetic or hypertensive and he is not on any medication for chronic illness and has no family history of similar eye condition.”
“Examination findings revealed an unaided visual acuity of perception of light in the right eye and 6/6 in the left eye. The right upper eyelid had a large ulcerative fumigating mass causing total mechanical ptosis tangling up to the right cheek.”
“An elevation of the eyelid mass also revealed the globe moving in all directions of gazes. With diffusely injected conjunctiva, an inferior-central cornea ulcer, the anterior chamber was of normal depth.”
It further revealed that “the pupil was regular and the lens was transparent, fundal examination was difficult. The anterior and posterior segment in the left eye, according to the report, were essentially normal.”
“Subsequently, Joof was managed as a case of right upper lid squamous cell carcinoma that had an excisional biopsy, and the histology was a well differentiated squamous cell carcinoma.”
“In an effort to raise necessary funds for excision and radiotherapy which is not available in the Country, The 40 year old is seeking support to carry out his treatment expenses overseas.”
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