Thank you very much brother Adama for this laudable gesture towards a great Gambian! Your Exellency honouring exemplary characters of our society like the legend Biri Biri with such awards is without doubt part of caring and sharing from good intension. It shows brotherhood where and when it is needed the most. Recognition is what Biri deserves. You stamped that recognition from every Gambian with one of the highest national awards Gambia has in store for great men and women like our friend and star Alhaji Momou Njie AKA Biri Biri.
In restropect, I recall days when I was going through an "informal school" where Biri was the principal character in the lecture room. A man whose life story caught my undivided attention. Delivering those lectures on Biri Biri was one of his close confidants in the soccer world back in the days. Who is none other than my brother TMC!
While serving as Gambia's Ambassador in Washington DC I had the opportunity of having brother Tijan Massaneh Ceesay aka EKU BOPPA in my team. Ceesay was one of Biri's closest buddies in the foot ball world and other spheres of social life. Tijan narated so many stories about Biri to me during breaks or other sessions we had. In those stories I detected in the person of Biri a humorous soul, a good man, a humble foot ball star. Biri's stardom transformed the star himself into a patriot who rose above self to serve, entertain and mould others through the trials of life. Alhaji Momodou Njie AKA Biri Biri was a combination of humanity, joy, entertainment, patriotism, culture, faith and discipline in one person.
We thank Allah for creating a son like Biri Biri for The Gambia, Africa and the world. With stars like Biri Biri no one will ever see sports as the space for idleness. Instead Biri Biri made every Gambian see intrinsic value in soccer! He used his life of standards and values to leave a lasting legacy behind.
When I reflect on Biri Biri's life and what I heard about him from Tijan I have nothing in mind other than to
pray that Rabbu Samaawaati Wal Arrd receives Alhaji Momodou Njie Biri Biri in Jannatul Firrdawsi.
Gambia did not lose! His remains are interred yet his name and legacy remain behind as one of the special dishes to be feeding the soul of a nation! Instead of losing we gained by honoring our great son! Ultimately interred his remains with extraordinary achievements during his life!
Biri lived for something and died for something. One who does the latter is what commonsense considers a HERO!
Yes Biri Biri was and still remains a heroic patriot which he will be forever Inshaa Allah!
I bow and pray before Raabill Aalameen to forgive his sins and receive our dearest star, hero, patriot and servant to humanity Alhaji Momodou Njie aka Biri Biri in Aljannah!
Ameen Yaa Rabbi!