
NA Trade Committee recommends Gambia and Senegal interconnect customs IT system 

Sep 13, 2024, 10:28 AM | Article By: Jankey Ceesay 

The report of the National Assembly select committee on Trade and Regional Integration from a trade facilitation visit to the Senegalese parliament has recommended the need to interconnect the two countries' (Gambia and Senegal) customs IT systems (GAINDE and ASYCUDA) to harmonise procedures and solve the problem of transit documents.

The report was laid by Honourable Kebba Jallow, Chairperson of the Trade and Regional Integration Committee.

While laying the report, he stated that the Committee undertook the visit to discuss the proper implementation of the ISRT Protocol and Convention and other bilateral trade agreements between The Gambia and Senegal. 

“Members informed their Senegalese counterparts that the Committee was informed that the Non-Trade Barriers that the transit traders experienced from one border post to the other is exorbitant and thus a need for a dialogue to address these challenges,” he reported.

“In this regard, customs officials on these borders subject transit traders to unnecessary charges that contravenes the provisions of the ISRT Convention, by imposing unnecessary and multiple escort fees, which leaves traders no choice but oblige to pay to avoid unnecessary delays. Members also emphasised that the proper implementation of this Convention is a benefit to the two states and vice versa, thus a need for the two countries to come together for the smooth implementation.”

He added that members reiterated the need for the close collaboration to help citizens of member states of ECOWAS, especially women who depend mostly on trade and exchanges of goods. 

“In this regard, the two Parliaments should collaborate and work together to ensure that they perform the required oversight and prevail on the Executive to ensure that ECOWAS Conventions and Protocols once ratified are implemented,” he said.

“The non-tariff barriers that are being faced by traders at the borders should be eliminated by the joint efforts of the two states.”

He continued: “The issue of Lasser passe and aliens cards between the two countries was also discussed. Honourable Members of the two Parliaments agreed that the relevant stakeholders in both countries to be engaged to address these issues as envisioned by the ECOWAS.

“Honourable Members also emphasised the need for regional integration recognising that it is much easier for the two countries and thus easily facilitated because of the oneness of the people of the two countries.”

The report was finally adopted by parliament.