Colley, who advised Gambia Paralympics athletes to desist from being complacent with just participation in international sports events, also urges them to be fully committed and dedicated to training as they prepare to attend the upcoming 2014 Commonwealth Games in the UK and the 2016 Paralympics competition in Reo, Brazil.
The president made these remarks on Saturday at the Independence Stadium in Bakau as they prepare for the two international events.
Colley, who says government’s support alone cannot develop the game, urges athletes to put more efforts, commitment and dedication in achieving merits, adding that victory can hardly be gotten without efforts, dedication and commitment.
Realizing the efforts of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, he further urges the ministry to look into the role of the disabled in sport and give them all the required support for excellent results.
He added that most of the disabled in The Gambia are poorly educated, with some virtually no formal education, and are unemployed.
He therefore calls for more support for them so they could be empowered to make their own contribution towards the development of The Gambia.
The acting-executive secretary of the National Sports Council, Fabakary Touray, commended the association for its commitment to improving the welfare of the disabled in The Gambia.
He urged the association to monitor the athletes as they embark on training and preparation for upcoming international events.