FM Radio commenced a ten-day EU/ UNESCO in-house training project to build
capacity among Gambian journalists in doing their work effectively last
his welcoming remarks, Cecil Campbell, aka DJ Mysterious, Program Manager of
Unique FM Radio, said the training was very important for them.
said it was the first time for the station to conduct such training and hoped
the ten-day training would benefit all of them because they would learn new
at Unique FM Radio are very grateful and we thank EU/ UNESCO for helping The
Gambian media to upgrade their skills,” he said.
Mendy, who spoke on behalf of the GPU President, said he was delighted for The Gambia Press Union School
of Journalism to be associated with the training, which was geared towards
building the capacity of journalists and media workers.
Njie, Project Coordinator, said he was there to do the opening statement as the
Project Coordinator for EU/ UNESCO media capacity building project for Gambian
media houses.
thanked the EU and UNESCO for giving Gambians the opportunity to equip
also thanked The Gambia Press Union because this was not the first time people
were trained to become better journalists.
said as a project coordinator, his role was to make sure that the training that
was being conducted was done properly.
At the end of the process media houses take
reports to UNESCO so that they are able to move forward and advance a second
want to emphasise the important role that The Gambian media plays in the
development of the country,” he said.