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Trial of former GPA employee begins

Feb 23, 2012, 12:36 PM | Article By: Malamin Conteh

The trial on charges of economic crimes involving one Jabou Jammeh, former traffic cashier at the Gambia Ports Authority (GPA), yesterday commenced at the Special Criminal Court in Banjul.

Jahou Jammeh was alleged to have, while in the employment of the Gambia Ports Authority, caused the loss of D6, 600,000, being the property of the Gambia Ports Authority.

Testifying, Abdoulie Comma, the audit officer at the Gambia Port Authority, told the court that he knew the accused, Jabou Jammeh, as they worked at the same place.

He stated that he is responsible for checking and vetting files, fuel delivery and checking cash books, among other things, adding that the accused was responsible for the receipts of the traffic cash, delivery of forms and shipping forms.

Designated as the first prosecution witness (PW1), Mr. Comma told the court that the accused received her supply from the traffic officer, adding that after payment had been made to her, she gathered the money and then made the payment to the main cashier or banked it.

Mr. Comma added that the receipts must be issued to that effect, adding that the first time he was ever given a cash book was on 14 May 2011. When he started checking, he observed many erroneous entries on the cash book.

He added that he ignored the cash book, and then he compared and he found shortages to the tune of D1.3 million and this were from 1 May to the end of May 2011.

Mr. Comma said he then reported the matter to the section head, Anta Jallow, who also confirmed the amount by checking with other managers.

He revealed that the section head later reported the matter to the managing director, adding that the irregularities he confirmed was the bundle of white papers in hundreds to represent the shipping notes.

He said the managing director also confirmed that the cash did not correspond, meaning the cash received was higher that the cash amount paid to the main cashier or that was banked.

Mr. Comma said that a task committee was set up by the MD to conduct proper auditing.

The case continues on 6th March 2012.

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