The community of Kartong is at the moment working on President Jammeh's farm which is located about two and a half kilometres from Kartong village.
Speaking to this reporter at the farm near Kartong, the Chairman of the VDC, Sheikh Omar SB Jabang (alias 12 Jabang) said that it was a great pleasure for them to honor the request of the President for a plot of land. He said about 100 by 500metres of land was given to the President by the clans of Jabang Kundaring in which Mr. Secka is a member. "It will give us as a community in Kartong great happiness to work on the President's farm. He did not ask us to do it for him but we felt as a sign of respect and appreciation for countless services we should do the clearing for him," he stated patriotically. It is brilliant that the people of The Gambia are getting a chance to return some of the President's generosity.
The Alkalo of Kartong, Alhagie Demba Jabang also added his voice to the exercise. He said it is excellent for him, being the head of the village and also head of the clan who allocated the said land to the President that it was done in his term of office. He assured the President of a wonderful stay with the people of Kartong.
Over 400 women and about 300 men attended the exercise. It was characterized with drum calls, singing and dancing.
Many people expressed similar sentiments including the Councilor of the Kartong Ward, Mr. Lamin Jammeh.