Lamin Jarjue, the supposed Alkalo of Babylon, was yesterday remanded in custody as the Babylon case progresses.
At a stage, the presiding Magistrate, Pa Harry Jammeh asked Mr. Jarjue, who calls himself a community leader whilst others call him Alkalo: "Are you recognised by the Area Council as an Alkalo?" a question he did not answer.
He said: "I don't know."
He further asked him whether he was recognised by the Chief as the Alkalo of Babylon, and he gave the same answer.
Asked whether he sells land to the people, he replied in the negative.
Magistrate Jammeh told the court that Lamin Jarjue has been giving people land without authority. He posited that he was remanding Mr. Jarju in custody pending further investigation at the Area Council and the Ministry of Local Government and Lands.
Under cross-examination by defence counsel Momodou Benteng Mboge earlier, one Abdoulie Sarr who testified for the prosecution told the court that Mr. Jarjue gave him land one year ago.
Asked whether he was given any document with regards to the land, he answered in the negative.
Further asked whether he had been paying rate, he told the court that he had been paying rates to Mr. Jarju.
Asked whether Lamin Jarju is the alkalo, he answered that he doesn't know, but he was the one who gave him land.
"Is there any Alkalo in Babylon," Lawyer Mboge asked.
"I don't know," he answered.
"Why didn't you pay the tax to the alkalo?"
"Which alkalo," he remarked.
At that juncture Lawyer Mboge put to Mr. Sarr that he was one of those Lamin gave land so that he can have his own village.
Lawyer Antouman Gaye, the leading defence counsel read a note in court and it reads: "I Lamin Jarju, present alkalo of Babylon village gave land to Lamin Sanyang for an amount of D400.00.
This, Lamin denied.
The case continues tomorrow.
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