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Substantiate the allegations

Mar 20, 2017, 10:16 AM

Our President has disclosed that former President Yahya Jammeh made way with about D4 million from the state coffers, during his just-concluded tour of Europe starting from France.

This is huge sum, considering the current financial status of the nation, and it is therefore a noteworthy allegation by the leader of the nation.

Similar allegations have come up earlier after Jammeh left the shores of The Gambia on his exile trip to Equatorial Guinea, where he is presently residing in Malabo.  These allegations were, however, dimmed by pronouncements that meant to be diplomatic and economical with the ‘truth’.

However, the issue of taking along state resources by the former leader has come up again – this time from no other person than the President of the land, Adama Barrow.

In this new twist, about the facts of extorting the nation of its resources, it will be quite proper to give the people better understanding of how this embezzlement took place.

And that is why we would like to concur with the President, in his position to set up an enquiry to know what had transpired, as well as what is in foreign accounts.

A commission of enquiry is quite necessary to set the records straight in this accusation, so as to let the Gambian people know the real truth of the matter and be in a position to take the most appropriate action.

This should be done without much ado, as it is only the truth that can set us free.

While it is very essential that the new government and its leadership focus on generating their own resources, and try to register more growth and development for the nation under the new dispensation, it will also be unwise to overlook the financial misdeeds of the former regime.

Such huge amount of state resources can be used to meet crucial needs of the nation. So let the whole truth come out about the deeds or misdeeds of the former regime.

“There is no compromise when it comes to corruption. You have to fight it. ”
A.K. Antony

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