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Progressive Wives Association holds symposium on ‘Healthy Diet’

Dec 4, 2012, 12:01 PM | Article By: Yusuf Ceesay

The Progress Wives Association, also known as the Nigeria-Gambian Wives Association, on Saturday held a symposium at the Catholic Secretariat on Nutrition.

The event brought together mainly female members of the community to talk about the best practices of healthy eating.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Fatou C. Akande, said their association is a registered voluntary and charitable organization in the country comprising Gambian ladies married to Nigerians.

She revealed that the association was launched in February 2012 and is based on a high sense of commitment and solidarity.

“It is in recognition of the social, cultural and economic ties that exist between The Gambia and Nigeria,” she said, adding that such forums contribute to their quota through implementation of meaningful projects to national development.

Health, she went on, is paramount, saying that forums like this on health will be held every three months.

Also speaking, Bai Matarr Drammeh, former president of the GCCI, said he was happy to be associated with the event, adding that creating activities useful to society is encouraging.

Health is important, as good health and life is what every family is praying for, he said. He also noted the importance of information describing it as very powerful.

Fatou Drammeh of NaNA was among the guest speakers of the occasion. She commended the organizers describing the move as a giant step. She also said people should not underestimate eating the right diet.

She further highlighted the need to advocate for eating locally made food, noting that they at NaNA are mandated to control nutrition and nutrition-related activities.

Obesity is alarmingly rising in children and adult in The Gambia, he said, adding that unhealthy diet reduces the quality of life.  “Healthy diet helps your systems to fight against diseases,” he noted.

She encouraged the eating of vegetables, fruits as well as cereals while advising the public to stay away from fatty food and processed ones.

Unhealthy foods, she went on, increases diabetes, hypertension, and overweight. This, she added, is common in the urban areas, especially in women. 

Mamina Bojang of MRC says obesity is a real problem worldwide. Obesity is accumulated from fat eating and stored in the body, he said.

He however indicated that this can be monitored through healthy eating, regular exercise and eating of vegetables among others.

According to him, WHO statistics says overweight (obesity) is the 5th leading cause of global death citing among other statistics.

“In 2010, more than 40 million children were overweight and this was realised in low and middle-income countries,” said Mr Bojang.

Michael Emeh, of Green World, Dr Elizabeth Innis Akaeneme of S.O.S made similar remarks as previous speakers on obesity while urging the public to take in the right precaution of the diets.

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