Relation Officer (PRO) of a breakaway Fula Association, Tabital Pulaagu Gambia
said the division that the Association is currently experiencing stemmed from
the recent meeting that President Barrow held with the Fula community.
an interview on Home Digital FM radio “Mengbekering” programme, Begi Bah said
the reason of their ongoing contention as a Fula association was as a result of
a requested number of 3,000 members of the association from the same tribe by
their Chairman Seedy Dem to meet President Barrow at state House.
of us did not agree with our Chairman to provide 3,000 members from the
association across the country to meet the president at statehouse and this is
where the disagreement all started, because what I personally told him is if
the president wanted to meet the association, he should do it through the
executive,” he said
said such has never been a practice by any former leader in the country, while
citing the era of former President Jawara and Yahya Jammeh who, he said has
never in any given circumstance alleged to call a single tribe with them at
state House for a meeting.
has never happened that a president was alleged to request a single tribe to
meet him at state House, so why will an association of one single Fula tribe be
request to meet President Barrow? This is where some of us do not agree as
Fulas, because we have been living peacefully with other tribes and
co-intermarry each other even before we Know Barrow as a person”.
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