The lady, whose full identity is yet to be verified, was, together with a man, on the backseat of the fleeing taxi, which “refused to stop” at a checkpoint mounted in Manjai.
“On Saturday 7 March, between 11:00 and 11:45 pm, personnel of the joint security task force were mounting a routine night vehicle check point at Manjai Kunda. Vehicles that came by were flagged, checked and allowed to move on,” Police public relations officer ASP David Kujabi told this paper yesterday while shedding more light on the incident.
“However, a taxi with registration number BJL 7039 G came by and upon reaching the checkpoint, the driver sped on refusing to stop. A warning shot was fired, but the driver kept on driving at top speed. This being a sure suspicious behaviour, the security officers boarded their patrol vehicle and pursued the fleeing driver.
“A second warning shot was again fired, but the driver again failed to heed and instead led the officers on a wild chase. They eventually overtook the taxi and braked in front to force it to stop, but the driver swerved taking a quick turn and drove through a narrow road nearby.
“The officers then shot at the car in order to force a stop, but the bullet instead hit a lady who was sitting at the backseat of the taxi leading to her death.
“This unfortunate tragic incident is regrettable, but it must be noted that the security forces of The Gambia will not be complacent in ensuring the security of this nation and its people, and this happening not long after the December terror attack meant that all necessary means had been employed to stem a recurrence.
“The general public is, therefore, warned to respect these checkpoints and cooperate with the security forces as they are meant to ensure their own security.”
The deceased, up to the time of going to press, was said to be at the hospital, whilst the arrested driver is presently helping the police with their investigations.