This paper has been reliably informed of the appointment of Pa Harry Jammeh as the new Solicitor-General and Legal Secretary.
According to our sources, the appointment took effect yesterday.
Mr. Jammeh replaced Mrs Jainaba Bah Sambou. Until his appointment, Jammeh was the Sheriff of the High Court.
Mr. Jammeh did his Primary Teacher's Certificate (PTC) from 1989 to 1991 at Gambia College, after which he taught at Latrikunda secondary school for three years.
In 1994, got his Higher Teacher's Certificate (HTC) then taught at Crab Island Secondary School.
While still at Crab Island, Mr. Jammeh enrolled at the Gambia Technical Training Institute (GTTI) and did the ILEX External Law, coming out with the best results in the ILEX world.
In 1998, he enrolled at Coventry University and obtained an LLB 2 (1). From 1994 to 1995, he enrolled at Lancaster University and came out with LLM in Internal Human Rights and Humanitarian Law with a distinction.
In 2006 Jammeh was appointed a magistrate. In 2007 he left for Sierra Leone to do his bar, and in July 2009 he was appointed the Sheriff of the High Court.
Mr. Jammeh currently lectures Contract Law and English Legal System at GTTI.
When contacted Mr. Jammeh confirmed his appointment, but declined to comment further.