The recorded tape containing alleged information by Musa Suso against David Colley was last Friday played to the Banjul Magistrates'Court.
Musa Suso is standing trial on four count charges of giving false information to a public officer.
The allegations as played in court read: "When I was convicted in 2001, it was on a Wednesday and I was taken to Mile 2 on a Friday. I was taken to cell No: 4 at the main yard. On Monday David Colley came on a normal duty and he called my attention. David Colley told his men to take me to his office. David Colley told the escorting officers to go out.
The Deputy Director and the Chief Officer all went out. David Colley told me to tell him whatever I want he would help me. I told him that I want to be seeing my family and certain friends. David told me he would give me the privilege from Monday to Friday. David used this occasion to get money.
I used to explain to certain friends and he used to go to them behind me and take money from them. Until one time information have revealed that the privilege given to me was not given to others. David told me I would limit your visitors from Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
I proposed to him that he can make once a week to protect his position.
That also brought another problem. By the time I was going to court David Colley used to request fuel from me. I had a friend called Ebou Khan at a pertrol station after
David used to go there and took fuel from Ebou Khan. Some time David Colley would send Sgt Manga every Friday to take fuel from the said Ebou Khan. David Colley used to take full tank and 20 litres.
If you are aware the President had donated some trucks to the prison. With respect to those trucks he requested me to help him to spray those trucks. I contacted Sidia at Tallinding who sprayed the trucks to the prison colour. All these are in my influence.
With respect to uniform that is been provided by the government, I provide the uniform for myself. I used to give the money to my uncle Balla Cham. I was there and some friends visited me whilst they were constructing a kitchen and they said they need funds.
I was told by Deputy Director Jarra that the money was given to David Colley but he did not buy the materials. I told Jarra that if my friends come before they give money to David some people should be present as witnesses.
A white man visited me who was introduced to me by a friend, Omar Bah. Omar Bah was my political adviser. When they visited me already, they returned to David to thank him. The visitors were later taken to Old Jeshwang Prison where the construction of reception area was going on.
The white man asked David about my sentence and he told him I would be pardoned. That was just to get some funds, but I was not sure whether the white man in fact gave him money. A problem erupted between the white man and David Colley. David Colley went to threaten me that the white man had written a letter on the internet and the President was aware of it.
Just to threaten me so that I would not take action, but I told him that was not my fault. When Batch Faye came there, as an inmate, his mother gave David a satellite disc that was fixed at his office. He gave Batch Faye facilities whether or not he was sick. Six cells were provided with TV sets by Ndeneh Faal when he realised the facilities accorded to Batch Faye.
There were old TV sets before, donated by Sulayman Sawaneh. Ndeneh Faal also started enjoying those facilities by going to the hospital and MRC. David Colley and Chief Officer Haruna were in that deal. Haruna would provide the escort that would cooperate with Ndeneh Faal, and they would go to Ndeneh Faa'sl house. Batch Faye every Tuesday goes to RVTH while Ndeneh Faal goes to RVTH on Thursdays.
They met with their agents and do drug trafficking. Ndeneh Faal used to do this on his own before, but he did not want Batch Faal to know. When Batch Faye was involved, a misunderstanding arose."
Hearing continues.