Mother and Child Welfare Society, based in Banjul, Saturday donated some medical items to patients admitted at the Pediatric Ward of Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital in Banjul, as part of their contribution towards national development.
The event which was in two-fold also saw the association embark on a cleansing exercise or set-setal at the ward by the youths of Mother and Child Welfare Society.
The donated items, which were presented by the President of the Mother and Child Welfare Society, Agi Mbogay Kah, included detergents, juices, soft soap, and many other items.
Speaking on both occasions, Agi Mbogay Kah, expressed delight to be associated with the donation and set-setal, saying it was geared towards contributing to national development.
She also explained her association’s stance in giving assistance to the poor and the needy, particularly the patients some of whom find it very difficult to meet their demand.
Madam Aja Mbogay further told this reporter that the occasion was an annual activity that her association had been observing in serving humanity, particularly vulnerable people at the hospital.
According to her, the association would continue to embark on the project in supporting the patients, adding that her association was doing it for generations to come and would continue to advise her members and families to always try to contribute their quota to national development.
Her association also intends to expand to other hospitals to assist patients who need urgent assistance in one way or the other, she said.
She also used the opportunity to thank the management of the hospital for their hospitality and active participation in the set-setal, saying it was all geared towards responding to President Jammeh’s call for Operation Clean the Nation.
Madam Aja Mbogay also thanked the youths for assisting her in implementing the project, saying that without their participation it would be very difficult for her to achieve it.
She said the association was established since 1995, and since then it has had a strong bank account that would help members of the association in time of need.
She also stated that the association plans to embark on a vigorous campaign against malaria and to also sensitize the children on child trafficking and related vices that affect them, as well as health issues and education.
Abdoul Beyai, Chief Orderly at the pediatric ward, thanked the president of the Mother and Child Welfare Society for a wonderful initiative, saying it was a step in the right direction and was also geared towards responding to President Jammeh’s call for Operation Clean the Nation.
He noted that the gesture was appreciated by the management of the entire hospital as the exercise would help in the fight against malaria.
Ramatouli Jatta, a member of the association, also commended coordinating role of the president of the Mother and Child Welfare Society, while describing her as a patriotic mother worthy of emulation.