“There are many good things we can do together as Gambian, instead of waiting for outsiders to do it for us.” These were the words of the Chairman of the welfare committee of the Pipeline Mosque Foundation, Mamsait Njie. He continued “Seeing is believing, if we did not come here we would not have known this good and noble initiative is happening”
Mamsait was referring to the initiative which started 10 years ago in Basse by the Spanish NGO Nutrition without borders. In 2010 it opened the first Centre for Nutrition Recovery and Education (CREN) in the country, in Basse and in 2014 it concluded the construction of the second CREN in Soma. The project has been very successful, seen by many as a centre of excellence in dealing with the treatment of children under five suffering from severe acute malnutrition. At the CREN, children receive medical and nutritional treatment according to international up to date guidelines until they reach their optimal weight. Usually they stay in the center during 15 to 20 days. Mothers hospitalized with their children receive training on feeding, maternal-infant nutrition and food safety.
In order to assess the nutritional status of children and detect cases of undernutrition, nutritional screening in community settlements in the areas of LRR and URR are conducted. During the screening, children are weighed and measured to track their development and a medical report is drafted. Children with severe acute malnutrition are referred to the CREN and those diagnosed with moderate acute malnutrition receive treatment within the community.
The project in Soma was funded by the Spanish International Agency for Development Cooperation (AECID) and that of Basse is funded mainly from sponsors in Spain. In March 2016 the funding from the Spanish government ended. In order to continue the achievements and sound running of the CRENs for the benefit of children, there is consensus between NWB and partners to diversify the sources of funding opportunities from only Spain to other possible organisations and individual sponsors within the Gambia.
It was in this regard that the Pipeline Mosque Foundation was written to by the Country Director of NWB-Gambia, Adama Bah, to help to cover the most urgent need of the two centres which is feeding of poor mothers whose children are admitted at the CRENs in Soma and Basse. Experience have shown that when the mothers are not fed they abscond from the centres with their children, causing fatal danger to the young ones.
Pipeline Mosque Foundation responded by providing 50 bags of rice for CREN Basse and Soma. Hence, the reason why Mamsait Njie travelled with team members Baboucarr Njie, Secretary of the Welfare Committee, Ebou Neneh Jallow, Member and Adama Bah the country Director of Nutrition without Borders, to visit Basse and Soma CRENs to deliver the goods and also have first-hand information on the work taking place. The team left early after fajar prayers on Saturday 7th. May 2016 and came back Sunday 8th. May 2016.
During the handing over ceremonies attended by representatives of the Governor of Basse, regional health teams in Basse and Soma, National Nutrition Agency Regional Director in Soma, Soma Major Health Centre Officer in Charge, the mothers who are the beneficiaries and staff of the CRENs, everyone that spoke expressed their satisfaction and delight that the Pipeline Mosque foundation came all the way to Basse and Soma to donate gifts to the poor and needy. They called on other Gambian organisations to emulate such a noble gesture.
On behalf of Pipeline Mosque Foundation we would like to thank all those who continue to fulfil their Zakat obligations to the needy as Muslims by contributing towards the foundation. Without your contributions we would not have been able to help the needy as in this one, the Francis Small Hospital, Serekunda Hospital, Brikama Health Centre and Mental home (Tanka-Tanka).As we approach the month of RAMADAN we would like to encourage all those that can help to continue their support so that we can continue to support projects like this.
If you would like to help this initiative, here are their requirements:
• CREN BASSE has the capacity of 33 beds requires 20,000 Dalasis/ Month=D. 240,000/ year
• CREN SOMA has the capacity of 20 beds requires 15,000 Dalasis/ Month=D. 180,000/ year
Whatever amount is given will be highly appreciated.In kind foodstuff donations like rice, tea, milk, sugar, butter, mayonnaise, oil and so on, will also be appreciated.
Pipeline Mosque Foundation established a ZAKAT HOUSE under the auspices of the IMAM’S Chamber, located in the administrative building of the mosque. The ZAKAT house will receive all forms of charity and deliver it according to the preference of the one giving the ZAKAT.
By Mamsait Njie - Chairman Welfare Committee