#Article (Archive)

Kudos to Trust Bank

Aug 27, 2013, 10:59 AM

We would like to use this medium to commend Trust Bank Gambia Limited for fulfilling its corporate social responsibility.

We are referring to funding to the tune of 2.7 million dalasi of the newly-constructed road linking the main Serrekunda-Banjul Highway and the Edward Francis Small Hospital Sanatorium at Mile 2.

Like we stated in this page some time ago, corporate institutions in the country need to allocate some of their profit to the development of the communities in which they live or gain such wealth from.

Trust Bank we know has adopted the sanatorium, and has over the years invested millions of dalasis in refurbishing the place, as part of the bank’s corporate social responsibility.

The road project is one of the latest interventions of Trust Bank in the health sector .The recent donation of computers for the use of community doctors at the Sulayman Junkung Hospital in Bwiam is another demonstration of its unrivalled contribution to the health sector.

The support rendered by Trust Bank Ltd would no doubt facilitate access to the Sanatorium for people visiting patients and the staff.

We do understand that the bank is also renovating the building, with an additional ward, a laundry room and kitchen, as well as replacing the ceiling of the main ward with modern fittings and lighting system.

It will also provide the Sanatorium with new beds and side cupboards, build a mortuary, a guard-house and pavement, and recently provided the facility with a battery bank that ensures an uninterrupted electricity supply.

This is definitely a laudable initiative, and shows the commitment of the bank to supporting national development.

Finally, we join the health authorities to thank the bank for taking seriously their corporate social responsibility, and in this regard serving as a role model in this country.

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