The book depicts the life of a woman, Lemu, who vows that her daughter, Kodu, will not marry a son of a blacksmith. She feels they are superior to blacksmiths and forces her daughter to marry her (Kodu’s) cousin brother. But it is this very son of a blacksmith who saves her life.
This novel is another masterpiece, and breathtaking. It is well planned and written, and the narration keeps you reading up to the last page, with a clear message.
It is available at Timbooktoo at D300 per copy.
Journalist Faye is the author of “The Broken Reed” a review of which was done by The Standard newspaper. He also authored “The Betrayer”.
“The Betrayer” are out of stock but they will be reprinted very soon.
As a student, Journalist Faye developed his writing skills when he started writing short stories for Radio Gambia for its programmer “Tell me a story”.
In his latest book, he brings to the reader problems and beliefs we face in our society