(Wednesday July 20, 2016 Issue)
youth of today face a myriad of societal problems. As in previous generations,
the social issues facing today’s youth can have significant effects on how
these young people will eventually turn out as they reach adulthood.
problem is getting worse in recent years with kids in their high school years
becoming unsuspecting victims.
drugs of choice among today’s youth include a variety of new designer drugs
that have been popping up at an alarming speed. In fact, it can be difficult
for law enforcement to keep up this all of the new dangerous substances that
continue being introduced on the black market.
social issue that has been giving negative effects on the youth of today is
early sexual activity. Unlike in previous generations, sex and sexual issues
are openly being discussed these days even when youths are within hearing
its place, however, is a more dangerous social threat with more extreme
repercussions. The growing proliferation of alcoholic drinks and illegal drugs
has led many young people down a losing path.
problem is not exactly limited within a given circle as this has been
unwittingly magnified in several channels. In the media for example, notably
television, movies, and the internet, young people are exposed to different
contents and images that carry sexual suggestions.
are often not around to supervise the actions of their offspring either because
they are working or dealing with their own personal problems like alcoholism or
this regard, single parenthood is one other growing social concern that modern
youth has had to deal with. With only
one parent available to look after them, children have had to seek emotional
and material support from other people including their peers. This exposes them
to a variety of risks especially when no other responsible adult is willing to
help them out.
these diverse social issues, the future would appear bleak for the youth of
today. Still, authorities should take heart in the belief that given proper
attention, young people can be nurtured to become competent national leaders.
and alcohol abuse continues to be among the more serious problems confronting
modern society. In previous generations, smoking topped the list of growing
social issues. However, recent public efforts to curb the smoking habit have
somehow effectively addressed this particular social problem, although it
remains to be totally resolved.
education can help our youth to avoid dangerous drugs and to stay on the right
path. In addition, religious and community groups can keep young people
occupied and engaged in positive character building activities which will keep
them from going astray.
of the best things we can do is to invest in today’s youth by giving them good
jobs to help the young people of today get out of bad situations and to reach
for a bright future.
need to face the problem of social pressure called peer pressure. There is
tremendous pressure to do what those around you are doing. All people, young
and old, are subjected to the pressure to conform in order to be accepted and
liked by others.
need to learn to be themselves and not imitations of others. They need to learn
to think for themselves rather than blindly following the way of the crowd. If
you follow others you will never be your own person. Surely, all should try to
be socially acceptable to a degree, friendly, courteous, fair, gentle, pleasant
and polite.
all must learn to stand on their own feet and be independent of others to the
extent that they do not let others govern their lives. You should never
compromise what is true and right before God to get along and go along with
talent youths must develop is the ability to stand even if they have to stand
you should not let pressure of being accepted, being liked, being popular have
the controlling influence over your life. Unless you learn to discipline
yourself to stand for truth regardless of others you are subject to being tossed
to and fro all your life from one error to another.
the crowd to set your standards is fatal to your soul
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