The training, scheduled for 9 June 2015 at a hotel in Kololi, will bring various media representatives together to share their experiences and expertise on issues surrounding the centuries old practice.
The training is part of Guardian’s global media campaign to end FGM, launched in the UK in February 2014 and in The Gambia in January 2015.
The campaign is to amplify the work of grassroots activists and campaigners towards ending the century-old practice.
Since inception, the media campaign has facilitated success in changing policy. In the UK, the education minister has written letter to all schools telling them to teach their children about FGM, and in the US, President Barack Obama had agreed to conduct a survey into the prevalence of FGM in North America.
The campaign has also got the backing of the UN Secretary General Ban KI-Moon to enable ground level media campaigns to spread the message on the on going work of anti-FGM activists.