The event was witnessed by pastors and bishops from various Christian denominations including the Diocese, as well as parents and relatives of the participants.
Speaking at the ceremony, Augustina Ugbana Initiator/coordinator of the training programme, said the programme was desired by everyone of them as it is in line with The Great Commission as stated in Matt. 28: 19-20.
Even though the initiative had some serious challenges, “it has gone smoothly”, evangelist Ugbana said, adding that the participants would be organizing vigil as they go on evangelizing.
The training would continue, she also stated, saying they would be coming up with another batch hence would like to urge everyone to take part in the training programme.
“The programme is for everybody because evangelization works for everybody,” Ms Ugbana noted.
She thanked all those that participated in the programme as well as those that supported the initiative.
She said: “There must be obstacles, but when that happens we need to sacrifice and when we do that we will be able to overtake every other thing.”
Father Peter Lopez, Director of GPI, in his remarks on the occasion, said the day was a great one in the history of GPI.
For the past five days, GPI had been part of so many teaching and religious lectures with the challenge on the participants to study to be conversant with the word of God and to show themselves approved.
He said that for the past 6 months “these men and women have been in for the word of God” and they would be sent back to their parishes to continue with The Great Commission.
He thanked staff members of the GPI for their support in coordinating the training programme.
“Let us give our conferring best wishes to these men and women for their journey ahead to the evangelization mission of this diocese,” he said.
Father James Paul, in his remarks, said that in the 21st century the Christian Church is no longer obliged to defend itself because the church is out and about actively evangelizing and obtaining and sharing the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ.
He said that more people are now joining the faith and getting to know the word of God, hence would always want to let out the word from their heart with joy, enthusiasm and love.
He challenged the graduates to continue to trust in God and to put His word into practice, as God always loves them and would continue to be with them.
Evangelization is proclaiming the love of God, he said, adding that they also learn by doing and have succeeded in completing the theoretical parts hence are well armed for the practical part.
graduates, as well as the lecturers, were each given a bible and certificate.