The much-anticipated election of the Gambia National Olympic Committee (GNOC) is set for Tuesday 14 December 2010 at the Olympic House.
This development followed an emergency meeting called by the GNOC yesterday.
The meeting, convened at the Olympic House, among other things dealt with issues relating to legible and eligible voters in GNOC’s elections.
According to the constitution, those eligible to vote and the number of voters are as follows:
Article VIII - voting indicated that each member referred to in article IV a, shall be entitled to 2 votes and each member referred to in article IV b, c, d, f, g and (h) shall be entitled to one vote provided the member is not in arrears of subscription.
Members under article IV e, i, j, k, l and (m) do not have voting rights in the general assembly of the GNOC.
Article 4.1 a reads: representatives of all national sports associations affiliated to parent international bodies dealing with Olympic sports.
These are as follows: two votes each, Athletics, Volleyball, Basketball, Weightlifting, Cycling, Fencing, Taekwondo, Lawn tennis, Football, Golf, Rugby, Boxing, Wrestling, Handball and Table tennis.
Each member referred to in article IV b, c, d and (h) shall be entitled to one vote.
Article 4.1b reads: representatives of all recognised sports associations are as follows: Paralympics, Cricket, Draught, Karate, Chess, Softball, Special Olympics and Deaf Olympics.
Article 4.1c reads: Gambian members of IOC: Ms Beatrice Allen -elected IOC member since 2006.
Article 4.1d reads: resident or non-resident Gambian members of the African Confederation or international federations dealing with Olympic sports such as Alhaji Dodou Joof, treasurer, Confederation of African Athletics since 2004; Alhaji Abdoulie M. Touray, vice-president of Commonwealth Games Federation since 2004.
Article 4.1 reads: representatives from the primary school sports associations and secondary school sports associations.
Article 4.1 reads: representatives of military\paramilitary\police sports and associations combined services.
Article 4.1 (h) reads: active athletes or retired athletes having taken part in the Olympic Games. However, the latter must retire from their posts at the latest by the end of the third Olympic after the last Olympic Games in which they took part.
Ms Adama Njie,