Suwaibou Sanneh, a Gambian Olympic qualifier now in his 4th month of training in Jamaica, is confident of achieving results for The Gambia come the 2012 London Olympic this summer.
In a telephone interview, Suwaibou said he is doing well at the training since his arrival in Jamaica.
“We are aiming at something; that is 2012 London. It is not easy though but we have to do it and it is a matter of must upon us to train hard so that we can make a name in the history books of sport,” he said.
Suwaibou mentioned that eight of them are at the training camp with only two Africans, who include himself and an athlete from Botswana. The other six, he said, are from Asia and South America.
“We are training every day except on Sundays and it rains sometimes but that does not stop us because we have a good coach who gives us different trainings, which is good for us,” the 200m runner said.
He is going to represent The Gambia to the best of his ability at the Olympic and ready to make Gambians happy, Suwaibou says.