The competition brought together six learning institutions to participate in various events such as 100 metres, 200 metres, 4+100 metres and other events.
The institutions are the Gambia Technical Training Institute (GTTI), The Gambia College, Management Development Institute (MDI), the University of The Gambia (UTG), Stratford College and International Business College (IBC).
The Gambia Collegewere instrumental in all eventsduring the course of the competition , which earned themthe 1STpositionwith 231 points, followed by the GTTI in 2nd position with 163 points, and the UTG took 3rd position with 116 points.
Strafford College occupied 4th position with 104 points, MDI finished 5nd position from bottom with 83 points, while IBC are rooted at the bottom with 44 points.
The competition was organised by the National Union of Gambian Students to bring together all tertiary institutions under one umbrella as well as foster unity and understanding among them.