Gambia-China Cooperation Friday ended a weeklong training of trainers on
agricultural skills for Agricultural Science Teachers Association of The Gambia
training which was held from 24th to 28th February at the agriculture
department office in Sapu, Central River Region was meant to enhance knowledge
and skills of agricultural science teachers across the country.
does not only employ of Gambians but also contributes greatly to the country’s
training was funded by Gambia-China Cooperation with great intention of
bolstering agriculture science teachers with agronomy and other farming skills,
which include breeding vegetable seedling technology, making and using compost
fertilizer and modern agricultural production practices.
Xiaohui, China Aid Agriculture Technical Assistance to The Gambia and team
leader reiterated the importance of agriculture.
Saidyleigh, principal agriculture officer of Central River Region-South hailed
the Chinese technical team for the gesture and called on participants to
utilize the skills they learned to better agriculture and food security in The
A Jeng and Alpha Bah - vice president of Agricultural Science Teachers
Association of The Gambia and public relations officer of the association both
reiterated the importance of building capacities of teachers, saying that they
play a key role in molding students into future agriculture entrepreneurs and
of the Region in his remarks challenged beneficiaries of the training to be
steadfast in working towards developing Gambia’s agriculture sector. He also
applauded the People’s Republic of China for the gesture
River Region-north Agriculture Director, Famara Trawally also made remarks at
the closing of the training.