According to reports, the science paper 2 has been leaked in some schools within the Greater Banjul Area prior to yesterday, when the students should sit to the paper.
As a result, school authorities have been asked to withdraw the paper, so as to address any form of examination malpractice.
According to senior education ministry sources, the students will sit to the rest of the papers as scheduled, meaning the exam will continue as planned, but science paper 2 is out of it as at now.
this paper tried to contact the West African Examination Council national
office in
An official of WAEC when contacted said he was not aware, but many school heads and teachers who spoke to this paper and preferred not to be named, also confirmed the story.
The sources could not confirm, at the time of going to the press, when the students would sit to the cancelled General Science paper 2 and the particular schools involved.
Candidates in the third (final) year of Basic School Education approved by the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education are eligible to take part in this examination.
The examination is conducted nationwide in May, and it is of two weeks duration. Candidates may enter and sit for a minimum of seven subjects and a maximum of nine subjects from the three subject groupings.
The following are the subjects for The Gambia Basic Education Certificate Examination.
The core subjects include: English Language, Mathematics, Science, Social and Environmental Studies
The general subjects (Select at least one) also include Arabic, French, Islamic Religious Studies, Christian Religious Education , Agricultural Science , Physical and Health Education, Literature-in-English and Engineering Science.
The third category of subjects known as pre-vocational subjects (Select at least one) are
Home Economics, Art and Craft , Technical Drawing, Metalwork and Woodwork.
Therefore, the entries cover 16 subjects, 4 of which are compulsory for all candidates. In addition, candidates opt for one, two or three General Subjects out of seven and one, two or three Pre-Vocational Skills subject out of five Pre-Vocational subjects.
The grade 9 students across the country are taking the GABECE exams which began on Tuesday to enable them precede to the senior secondary school.