#Article (Archive)

Focus on GIFTS wellness centre

Apr 12, 2010, 3:29 PM | Article By: Lamin Drammeh

GIFTS Wellness Centre, a well-structured and high-standard gym, equipped with a series of training facilities is not only limited to the provision of boxing club, but many valuable facilities at its disposal.

Pa Joof, who spent a good number of time using the gym dilated on the importance of the gym, noting that it builds the body and gives energy and power.

The other importance of gym, Joof added, is that it helps the circulation of the blood to move faster in order to have fresh blood in one's brain.

Joof, a regular beneficiary of GIFTS gym, who had 30 years teaching experience said the facilities in the GIFTS gym are specially useful for elderly and aging people with any type of illness.

It is important for people to understand that most illness and pains in the body are often caused by the lack of exercise.

"A philosopher said one needs a healthy body in order to have a healthy mind," Joof was quoted as saying, in an interview at the GIFTS Training Centre in Kanifing.

He underscored the importance of gym and noted that it is extremely useful.

"Before I started coming to the gym, I have taken a lot of medication and tablets, but now all that has been a thing of the past as a result of the exercise in the gym," he stated.

Joof concluded by advising both men and women of all ages to come to the GIFTS Training Centre so that they can experience what he has experienced with GIFTS gym.

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