all over are asking people to stay at home, and The Gambia is no exception.
Whilst this is to curb movements to limit the transmission of COVID-19, these
steps can have unintended consequences for the poorest & most vulnerable.
Whilst the Nema and other agricultural projects have delivered outcomes and
results that seek to ensure our rural population have improved livelihoods,
increased food nutrition and a decent quality of life, the Coronavirus will
no-doubt have dire negative effects on the gains registered by these projects,
thereby posing a very devastating economic downturn for the poor rural
beneficiaries, especially women.
of our food is being produced by our rural women, who are the primary food crop
producers while men are more involved in animal husbandry or labour off the
farm. Women are also often responsible for the care of children, the sick and
elderly. This means they could have increased exposure to COVID-19 with
knock-on implications for food production, food preparation and child
we have a youthful population, but young people tend to be less interested in
agriculture and more likely to migrate to urban areas – although with
innovative financing at various projects, we are reversing this trend with the
likes of the Matching Grant Facility, thereby creating rural youth enterprises.
It however still leaves a slightly older farming population that could be more
vulnerable to the Coronavirus.
land borders and the airspace now closed, and the lack of tourists coming
through, tourism has taken a hit and thereby affecting the food supply chain,
and small holders taken the brunt of it – considering the huge investment that
projects have disbursed - in the various interventions. In the same vein, with
closed borders we are going to be faced with food import challenges to meet
local demand. It is therefore necessary to support our rural farmers with
seeds, fertilizers and all necessary inputs NOW, so in 3, 6 and 9 months to
come, they will have enough to feed themselves and the nation at large.
have no option but to ensure the rural poor communities can survive because
without them we don’t have a community. While some voices have flagged the
impacts on women, gender concerns are not yet shaping the decisions that mainly
male leaders are making. At the same time, many of the impacts of COVID-19 are
hitting women hardest. We therefore need urgent action plans for our women
a big part of efforts must be focused on stemming the spread of COVID-19
itself. Crucial preventative measures – from promoting hand-washing and social
distancing to imposing restrictions on gatherings and movement – will be
essential to slowing the impacts of the virus including on food systems and
producers. It therefore means that support through proper sensitization, via
various modes – radio, television, visual materials and local communicators
otherwise known as Kanyalengs (excuse my spelling), will be essential to help
spread the message in various languages within the rural communities using the
Agricultural project sites as entry points. Similarly, the provision of Hygiene
and Sanitary materials will be very vital during these crisis as with the lack of
income to buy basic food items, these things will not be considered as a
necessity for the majority of the poor rural households.
with the absence of a national social protection net in The Gambia, a one-off
cash payment (prior to full blown impact of the crisis as an early action to
mitigate impact) or ensure multiple payments to help families meet their basic
needs; providing complementary entitlements to offset loss of income by
small-scale producers and exploring the use of food banks could be an option
through the support and partnership with NGO’s (Non-governmental
organizations); enabling mobile payment systems where possible via our Mobile
Technology Network operators (with mobile money services) to prevent
disruptions in delivery of cash entitlements due to restrictions on movement;
the crisis is having an impact on women’s health and safety. Apart from the
direct impacts of the disease, women may find it hard to access much needed
maternal health services given that all services are being directed to
essential medical needs. Availability of contraception and services for other
needs may become disrupted. Women’s personal safety is also at risk. The very
conditions that are needed to battle the disease - isolation, social distancing,
restrictions on freedom of movement - are, perversely, the very conditions that
feed into the hands of abusers who now find state-sanctioned circumstances
tailor-made for unleashing abuse.
because the majority of front-line health workers - especially nurses are
women, their risk of infection is higher. So, while attention must be paid to
ensuring safe conditions for ALL caregivers, special attention is needed for
female nurses and carers - not only in access to personal protective equipment
like masks but also for other needs such as menstrual hygiene products - that
may be easily and inadvertently overlooked, but are essential to ensuring they
are able to function well.
Banky Njie is the Business Development Officer and Gender Focal Point for the
National Agricultural Land and Water Management
Development Project (Nema-Chosso).