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Environment Ministry conducts workshop on INDC document

Jun 30, 2015, 10:17 AM | Article By: Yai Dibba

The Ministry of Environment recently conducted a day national policy workshop for the Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) at the Paradise Suites Hotel.

The workshop was held for policymakers to be acquainted with the INDC document as well approve and recommend its submission to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) secretariat by the department of Climate Change to be included in the new climate change agreement which would come into effect in 2020.

The Gambia as a member of the UNFCCC has prepared her INDC to the new climate change agreement as part of her effort in reducing GHG emission from sectors of the economy.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, the Ministry of Environment Forestry, Climate Change, Water and Wildlife, said the realities of climate change have now gone beyond doubt and debate, adding that the available evidence is beyond dispute and most vulnerable countries like The Gambia are bearing the brunt of its impact.

He added that over the past decade, The Gambia has experienced changes in her rainfall regime ranging from erratic to excessive rains, resulting in crop failures and floods, which in turn lead to economic loss and damage to the social infrastructures.

He said that the $8.0 million climate change early warning system project under the department of water resources and the $8.9 million coastal protection and building resilience of coastal communities’ project under the National Environment Agency (NEA), which received funding through the least developed countries, found LDCFs are among sectors ranked in NAPA.

He said the climate convention recognizes The Gambia’s vulnerability to the impact of climate change and her low adaptive capabilities.

He thanked the Gambia Government for “the wonderful effort towards the environment”.

The permanent secretary of environment, Ousman Sowe, in his remarks, said: “One may ask why a country like The Gambia should even produce a plan when its emission is such a small fraction of the world’s total.

Speakers on the occasion included Sam Bickersteth, climate change and development network officer from the United Kingdom, and Fabio Sferra, climate change analyst from Germany.

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